Maria del Mar Farina de Parada, M.S.W. '98, Ph.D. '15

Maria del Mar Farina earned both her M.S.W. and her doctorate at the Smith College School for Social Work. She is currently an assistant professor in the M.S.W. program at Westfield State University, and the author of the forthcoming book Ethnic Identity and U.S. Immigration Policy Reform: American Citizenship and Belonging amongst Hispanic Immigrants.
At SSW, del Mar Farina teaches courses in social work practice, helped redesign the clinical practice sequence, and has served as the assistant director of the practicum learning office.
Del Mar Farina also maintains a private practice in Longmeadow and Springfield, Massachusetts, and had a long tenure as a clinician in the Smith College Counseling Center. In addition to her work in social work practice and education, del Mar Farina worked for many years in nonprofit management.