Social welfare policy is the context through which the public sanctions the delivery of clinical social work services and legitimizes the role of the social work profession.

Policy courses are designed to enhance the training of clinical social work students by contributing to their knowledge of the major historical developments in the American social welfare system, and their knowledge of policy developments within specific areas of practice including health, mental health, child welfare, family, aging and/or disability.
Contemporary policy issues are examined in relation to economic developments, demographic changes in the population, the evolution of knowledge about public issues, technology and advances within the profession.
As part of the Policy Sequence you will participate in the Community Based Anti-Racism Experience (CBARE) which engages you in social work activity that goes beyond direct clinical work with individuals, families and small groups and promotes anti-racism in organizations, neighborhoods and our larger social systems.

Loren Cahill, M.S.W., Ph.D.

Alberto Guerrero, M.S.W., Ph.D.

JaLisa Williams, M.S.W., LCSW