Placement Process and Affiliates

The process of assigning you to an agency for your internship is a careful and thoughtful one, designed to match your educational needs with a specific agency. We are committed to taking into account the personal circumstances of students when making placement decisions and will work with you to meet your geographical and educational needs as closely as possible. Nearly 90 percent of students receive their first choice of geography.

First-year internships are specifically chosen to provide you with a strong foundation for social work practice. This includes developing an identity and particular skills as a social work professional, understanding micro, mezzo and macro systems and how they are interwoven, working with a team in a social service agency as a clinically informed social work trainee, the importance of therapy-accompanying interventions that include clinical case management, milieu work, outreach, crisis support, psychoeducation and more in the care of social work clients. The second-year internship offers an opportunity to deepen your clinical skills and experience while developing areas of specialization.

Acceptance to SSW

After you have been accepted to Smith SSW the practicum placement process begins. 

Agency Matching 

You are matched first to a specific geographic area and then to a specific agency based on your stated preferences and learning goals, agency availability and agency requirements.

Resume Review

Once you have committed, to attending Smith SSW, your resume is sent to the prospective agency for review. When the agency confirms that they would like to interview you, the Practicum Learning Office will notify you.

The Interview

Beginning in March and lasting through May we will notify you of your specific agency match and your upcoming interview. You will be matched to one agency at a time.

Placement Notification

After a successful interview you and the agency will receive a confirmation email that details the onboarding process. 

First Day of Practicum Learning

In early September you will begin your practicum at your agency. 

Our Clinical Partners

Using the Map: To view a list of clinical partners, click the icon in the top left corner of the map. You may also view site information by navigating to a particular region and selecting a pin.

Employment-Based Internships

If you are currently working in a social service setting, the EBI program allows you to apply to intern at your current work site and to continue to be paid. This program is designed to:

  • Attract those most committed to social work who are already working in agencies serving oppressed and/or disadvantaged populations.
  • Allow you to continue to work in your current job while you undertake your internship learning at Smith!
  • Make it possible for you to continue to earn an income while you are in school!

Employment-Based Internship Application

Can your agency serve as an EBI?

Can your agency provide you with:

  • a total of 960 hours in your internship between mid-August and the end of May? 
  • the flexibility to take classes on Smith's campus for 10 weeks from June through mid-August? 
  • the opportunity to change your work focus and role (or provide you a new position) within the agency? 
  • new learning experiences within the agency that will expand your skills as a social worker?

If you were able to answer “yes” or “possibly” to all of the above questions, it might be worth discussing EBI options with your supervisor.

Applying for the EBI will require you and the agency director of training or an official agency representative to jointly complete the EBI application.

If you have any questions about the EBI, please email the admission office.