During the 2023-24 year the Smith College School for Social Work Strategic Visioning Group composed of faculty, staff, M.S.W. and Ph.D. students created an important visioning plan to advance the School's programs, operations and community and to bring the School's goals and processes into closer alignment with the School’s five Core Principles. This document will direct our work over the next three years.
We invite you to join us in imagining what might be possible.
Strategic Areas
Our plan is divided into seven strategic areas, each intersecting the experience of students, alumni, faculty and staff.
Transforming Programs to Ensure Vitality and Viability
Support Research and Discovery By Faculty and Students
Strengthening Resources: Financial Strength and College Relationship
Deepen Community Through Care and Accountability
Administrative Work: Tenure and Promotion
Knowledge and History: Stewarding Institutional Knowledge
Forthright Communications Enhance Transparency and Clarity
Explore goals and possibilities in each strategic area below.
Goal 1: Propose and operationalize alternative program structures across all degree programs that allow us to oversee the development and delivery of our curriculum in a fiscally responsible way aligned with our Core Principles
What could this look like?
Offer spring break
Decrease direct service hours in practicum
Assess and decide if a new program structure is needed
Goal 2: Accelerate curricular transformation across all degree programs to center the five Core Principles in teaching and learning within the next five years
What could this look like?
Decrease required courses
Revise curricula with the Core Principles in mind
Ensure diversity in Curriculum Committee and that all members have an equal vote
Goal 3: Support students in their search for post-graduate positions through information, networking, and mentorship
What could this look like?
Create SSW Career Center
Equip students to pursue financial well-being
Provide information about placements that offer stipends, scholarships, health insurance, and are accessible for students with disabilities
Goal 4: Address affordability and access challenges to attendance across all degree programs
What could this look like?
P4P: grow payment for placements
Ensure that the tuition and room and board are affordable and accessible to all members of the student body
Workforce grants
Ensure payment for students and adjunct faculty committee work
Goal 1: Leverage the SSW Clinical Research Institute to continuously support and advance faculty and doctoral students research and scholarship
What could this look like?
- Create interdisciplinary research teams
Support research, publication and publicity
Support growth of community partnerships
Develop grant-writing support
Goal 2: Create a SSW Institutional Research program to evaluate student and faculty program experiences for the purposes of guiding teaching, learning and ongoing racial justice transformation
What could this look like?
Provide or provide access to professional development
Support research that directly targets/supports communities of color as well as other marginalized communities
Gather feedback about experience at SSW, overall climate and ideas for strengthening our alignment with Core Principles
Goal 1: Intentionally expand access to resources for communities on campus that have traditionally had less access to funding
What could this look like?
Identify relationships with other campus offices
Provide resources (ex. readings/discussion, professional development, executive trainings, funds) to encourage collaboration
Goal 2: Create a vibrant D.S.W. degree program to provide advanced training in clinical practice and theory, pedagogy and supervision in line with SSW’s commitment to relational practice and our Core Principles
What could this look like?
Leadership support
Develop appropriate administrative structures to support the growth of doctoral studies at SSW
Goal 3: Identify new streams of revenue to ensure the viability of our programs
What could this look like?
Increase revenue generated by Professional Education to provide more financial aid to students
Align overall budget with our strategic plan
Identify opportunities for faculty to offer and discuss their work through professional education in mutually beneficial ways ie. CEs, publications, podcasts, blog posts etc.
Goal 1: Unite and align SSW racial justice initiatives to create a responsive and impactful system to support the ongoing integration of the five Core Principles
What could this look like?
Figure out how and where healing and dreaming appears in our curriculum and how culturally relevant pedagogy can be embedded into our required curriculum
Goal 2: Strengthen accountability processes to ensure health and wellness of School community by fostering adoption and embodiment at the individual level of the Community Agreement and other explicit and implicit community guidelines
What could this look like?
Affinity spaces to gather, heal, build community
Naming, identifying and addressing identity tax issues
Goal 3: Create supportive spaces for community building and joy
What could this look like?
Affinity spaces to gather, heal, build community
Create a term that encompasses both faculty and staff
Goal 4: Foster greater connection for students during the practicum terms
What could this look like?
Sponsor local events around the U.S. during the placement year
Goal 1: Re-examine faculty and staff work and structures to allow for innovation, efficiency and embodiment of the five Core Principles
What could this look like?
Revise job descriptions so they are aligned with Core Principles
Create processes to retain institutional knowledge with staff transitions
Goal 2: Interrogate the barriers that have prevented/impacted the facilitation of a diverse leadership team across departments
What could this look like?
Ensure diversity in representation of staff
Evaluate administrative structure and processes from lens of Core Principles
Address identity tax issues across SSW faculty and staff
Goal 3: Participate in a process to determine what steps need to be taken to ensure that when BIPOC people are hired to the leadership team they have the necessary supports and resources
What could this look like?
Evaluate administrative structure and processes through the lens of the Core Principles
Employ the resident faculty’s summer vacation policy in an overall mitigation strategy to address identity tax
Goal 4: Improve onboarding and lifecycle experiences: Address supervision and mentorship resources; Create professional partnerships; Diversify leadership; Increase system transparency of lifecycle attributes; Ensure optimal workload, considering identity tax and the relational context of SSW
What could this look like?
Acknowledge interpersonal, high contact and relational context of the SSW and figure out a more manageable workload for staff e.g. hours per week, vacations/breaks, opportunities for professional development, mental health resources and community building programming
Adopt growth oriented supervision strategies, more mentorship and 360 reviews
Goal 5: Foster transparency and alignment in faculty governance, tenure and promotion through the lens of the five Core Principles
What could this look like?
Revise the SSW Policy on Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure to reflect the Core Principles
Set explicit expectations for faculty annually and during their promotion years
Goal 6: Commit to continued collaborative learning for faculty and staff both individually and collectively around issues of racial justice
What could this look like?
Continue ongoing trainings for anti-racism work
Create and demonstrate value opportunities for collaboration and learning between staff and faculty
Goal 1: Create a useable archive of institutional and professional knowledge that serves to support ongoing transformation by considering the work of our past
What could this look like?
Create a paid cohort historian position/cohort link on the SSW website
Fund for organizing guide materials + archival and oral history training
Goal 2: Connecting curriculum and orientation activities to political education and centering the contributions of Black women and QTBIPOC care workers within the history of social work through a Disorientation Project
What could this look like?
Create a Disorientation guide for how BIPOC SSW students have built institutional knowledge
Access to archival information and databases detailing the history of student-led organizing and advocacy
Formal recognition that care work is rooted in Black social work tradition
Include non-white social work movements in the curriculum
Goal 1: Create pathways for faculty, staff and students to understand the work of the School and how important issues, challenges and opportunities are addressed
What could this look like?
Host budget conversations with committees
Provide routine updates to faculty, staff and students about challenges and opportunities facing the School
Goal 2: Increase communication and transparency to donors to ensure continued vitality of fundraising
What could this look like?
Host a town hall where we discuss enrollment shortages and budget austerity
Produce annual development report that details financial and operational functions in the School