In the practice sequence you will learn the foundational skills of social work practice and specialized skills of clinical social work. It will prepare you to practice in a range of settings, with different size client systems, and diverse presenting problems, from a range of practice theories and models, according to the ethical precepts and knowledge base of the profession.

The practice sequence ensures that you consider the cultural and social forces that impact clients' lives and opportunities, as well as the internal and subjective meanings of clients' experience in order to work sensitively within an integrative framework.
Practice courses integrate and apply knowledge from all of the curriculum's content areas. The case study serves as the primary vehicle for accomplishing this goal, where the "case" is focused on individual, family, group, organization or community problems or needs. Since case studies and vignettes are used in all of the practice courses, it is at this level that the psychological and the social meet.

Kenta Asakura, M.S.W. '04, Ph.D., LICSW

Katya Cerar, M.S.W., Ph.D. '13, LICSW

Annemarie Gockel, M.S.W., Ph.D.