
Tuition and Fees will be set for each new academic year in late January by the Smith College Board of Trustees.
FeeCostBilledAdditional Information
Application Fee$60At the time of applicationThe application fee helps defray the cost of the administrative review of applications and is due at the time of application.
Enrollment Deposit$500 Within two weeks of admittanceEach new student must pay an enrollment deposit which serves to reserve a place in the class. It is applied to the student account as a credit towards the first bill-payment period tuition charges. It is not refunded to a student who withdraws (including an admitted student who does not attend).
Ph.D. Supervisory FeesCost variesTBD by provider
In general, you are required to have two hours per week of clinical supervision. You must make your own arrangements, costs vary by student and you’ll pay the contracted provider directly. The average cost to a Ph.D. student in 2020-2021 was $7,500. If you are awarded a SSW Need Based Grant in your original aid package, you are eligible to apply for a Supervisory Grant to assist with your Supervisory Fees. This application process occurs each September.
Health Insurance 

$8,812  for Annual Plan (June 2025 thru May 2026)

 $2,203 for    Final Summer (June 2025 thru Aug 2025)

 Health Insurance cost set each July. Massachusetts requires that all full-time and part-time students be covered by a health insurance plan. Gallagher Koster provides the Smith health insurance plan. Each student is automatically enrolled and billed each enrollment period. You may waive this enrollment through the waiver process.
Housing & Meals $4,230        (10 weeks)April BillOn-campus housing is available during the June to August academic sessions as single rooms in mixed-gender or single-gender dormitories. There is a family housing option (limited) $4,725 for 10 weeks. Unfortunately, we do not offer housing to accommodate animals. Limited off-campus housing is available through private arrangement. During the internship sessions, you must make your own housing arrangements and these costs vary by region.
Meal PlansOptions:   $120 for 10 meals;       $240 for 20 mealsApril BillIf you live off campus during the summer sessions, you may purchase an optional meal plan for campus dining.
Post-Resident Continuing Enrollment Fee$500 ea.

Winter term 1: July bill 

Winter term 2: Nov. bill

Continued enrollment fee for students who have completed their course work but are still working to complete their dissertation (Ph.D.).
Late Check-In Fee$125 Fee to students who do not attend the mandatory Central Check-in day at the start of the summer academic session.
Additional Internship Fee$300 Fee for administrative work that is associated with establishing an additional internship.


2023-2024 Miscellaneous Fees

FeeCostAdditional Information
Overdue Balance Fee$1.25 per $100 each month they remain outstandingAny balance outstanding after the due date listed on the bill statement is considered overdue and will be assessed a late fee.
Insufficient Funds Fee$25If a payment is rejected due to insufficient funds, a charge of $20 will be added to the student account.
Incorrect Account Number Fee$25If an incorrect or invalid account number is entered into our TouchNet payment system when a payer is attempting to make a payment, a $5 charge will be added to the student account.
Bed Removal Fee$100Students who remove their beds from their campus rooms will be charged a bed removal fee.
Health/Fire Safety Violation$5 per itemA minimum of $5 per item will be charge for items left in public areas such as corridors, stairways, or entrances. These items create a hazard and violate compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as city and state building, fire and safety codes.
Library FeesCosts varyEach student is responsible for all materials signed out from the library in their name and will be charged a replacement fee in addition to the cost of any material that is not returned.
Miscellaneous FeesCosts varyOther miscellaneous fees will be charged to a student's account, if applicable.