Give to SSW
Our students share your passion for making the world a better place. But they need your help to keep an exceptional clinical social work education within reach.
The need is clear, as is the solution.
Smith College School for Social Work continues to attract the best and brightest students from across the U.S. and Canada. Like you and alumni before you, our students come to Smith for a concentrated clinical social work curriculum of unparalleled depth and rigor. They graduate with a powerful sense of agency that enables them to become leaders in their communities and to effect change in the world.
They also graduate with a tremendous debt load. Of the more than 400 students who will attend the program each summer, over 75 percent will apply for financial aid.
Student scholarship support remains our highest financial priority.
Share the power of a Smith education by making a gift today!
Your financial commitment will empower students today so that they can make a difference for the individuals and communities they will serve for many years to come.
Thank you!
Thank you for supporting the social work students who will shape our future.

“What mattered to her was Smith. Everything that she did she really credited Smith with the education that she got.”
Jenny Johnson
Goddaughter of donor Mary Elizabeth Haskell '54
Ways to Make a Gift
Use your credit/debit card or pledge by calling 413-585-4290, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. EST. For gifts of stock, please call 800-526-2023, option #5, or 413-585-2681 Monday through Friday, 8 to 4 p.m. EST.
All checks should be made payable to Smith College and mailed to the following address. Any gift restrictions can be noted in the check's memo line or via an accompanying note.
Smith College School for Social Work
c/o Smith College Gift Accounting
33 Elm Street
Northampton, MA 01063