Rose Marie Äikäs, M.S.W., M.A., Ph.D.

Rose Marie Äikäs is a professor at CUNY-Queensborough Community College, where she teaches courses in criminal justice and social work. Her current research projects measure college readiness in incarcerated students, and look at the education and internship experiences of human service students who were formerly incarcerated.
Before her academic positions, Äikäs worked in a variety of mental health settings, including in a program providing support for formerly incarcerated people pursuing college degrees, as a senior case manager in halfway houses, as a mental health clinician in prisons and as a counselor in children and family services. In 2016, New York State Corrections and Community Supervision named her Volunteer of the Year.
At the Smith College School for Social Work Äikäs has taught Substance Abuse Policy, Treatment and Services, and Criminal Justice Policies: Implications for Social Work Practice.