Katelin Lewis-Kulin, M.S.W. '00

Professional Education Instructor
Katelin Lewis Headshot

M.S.W., Smith School for Social Work


Katelin Lewis-Kulin received her M.S.W. from Smith College School for Social Work in 2000 and completed the two-year post-graduate Psychodynamic Training Program at The Psychotherapy Institute in Berkeley, CA in 2005. She has worked as a clinical social worker and supervisor in a variety of settings including emergency department diversion, outpatient, inpatient, LGBTQ mental health and private practice all in the Bay Area. She served as the program director for Mills Peninsula Hospital's Adult Outpatient Services for nine years before joining SSW's Practicum Learning Office first as the associate director and then director. She currently maintains a private practice and loves her work as an M.S.W. practicum faculty adviser where she consults with supervisory dyads in agencies across the country.