Sarah Duey

Senior Enrollment and Information Systems Specialist

Phone: 413-585-7605
Pronouns: they/them, she/her

Sarah Duey wears a green button down top with a white diamond pattern and smiles at the camera.

B.A., University of Massachusetts Amherst


Sarah Duey works with the rest of the admission team to guide future Smithies through the process of applying to graduate school. In addition to being an Admission Counselor, they support the more technical aspects of our admission system – if you’ve filled out a form, she probably built it! With every update, they strive to build an increasingly inclusive, accessible and user-friendly system.

Duey attended UMass Amherst where they were heavily involved with community building for queer folks and survivors. Having grown up in a suburb of Hartford, CT, they are now delighted to call the Pioneer Valley home.