All Sex is Queer Sex: Aging Sexuality as a Crucible

June 14, 2023, 1:00 pm – 4:15 pm EDT
June 21, 2023, 1:00 pm – 4:15 pm EDT
Virtual Event
Smith SSW Professional Education wordmark reading Smith College School for Social Work Professional Education. Go Beyond.

Given the anxiety-producing context of living in a pandemic world, the social and political impacts which hamper older adults’ sexual development, and the enormous pressures against frank and honest reflections of sexuality as we age, this training will offer a unique perspective to apply current research and resources to clinical and administrative practice with older adults. The focus of this highly-engaging webinar is on improving social workers’ knowledge, skills and attitudes regarding the question of why all sex is queer sex especially for older adults, the social and political frameworks which dampen sexual development, the sexual challenges of older adults, and the possibilities for joy in older clients’ sexual lives. Participants will benefit from the knowledge, skills and abilities of an educator and a therapist both focusing on older adults and their sexuality.

6 CEs are available.

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