Financial Social Work: An Introduction

Financial concerns can have a profound impact on individual well-being, yet the financial domain is rarely addressed in social work practice. Within social work, teaching financial content is now prescribed by CSWE, and financial issues are highlighted as part of the Grand Challenges for Social Work. According to the American Psychological Association, issues with personal finances and costs of living is the top stressor Americans face (2022). Research also suggests that financial well-being contributes as much to overall well-being as do job satisfaction, relationship support satisfaction and health status combined (Netemeyer et al., 2018).
In this course, attendees will be able to define financial social work, learn the importance of integrating financial considerations into social work practice, and explore how improving financial capability can impact client outcomes. They will also learn about different tools to use in social work practice with clients. The session will conclude by highlighting emerging issues of which attendees should be aware. Resources for further information and training will be provided.
1.5 CEs available.