Let your voice be heard: Vote today and resources this week

My dear community,

This election carries great importance for all of us. Although we may not know the outcome for some weeks, it is my hope that the future will bring alignment with social work values.

In the coming weeks we are likely to see a range of reactions within the communities in which we live and, very possibly, turmoil and challenge. This comes in a year when we are each holding the uncertainty of the pandemic and grappling with its deadly and disproportionate impacts on Black communities and communities of color, and serious ongoing changes to our political and judicial systems. I am thinking of all of you—all of us—as we continue to navigate these uncertain times.

First, I want to encourage all of you (if you haven’t already) to vote today and encourage those around you to do the same. Let’s make our voices heard—louder than ever—this year.

Second, I want to remind you of available resources as we support those around us and as we understand the meaning of this election for ourselves and our communities.

In the short-term, for all students, staff and faculty seeking space to process and discuss recent events, Matilda Cantwell, M.S.W. ’96, and collaborators at the Smith College Center for Religious and Spiritual Life are offering Generating Justice: A Forum for Addressing Recent and Ongoing Events, Showing up for Racial Justice and Strengthening Our Community on Wednesday November 4, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. ET. This is an ongoing event at which they will offer smaller groups (or breakout rooms) to create spaces for discussion about the election. Please note that a Smith login is required in order to attend.

For M.S.W. students, next week, Field Seminar instructors will create an opportunity for sharing post-election perspectives for those who feel comfortable doing so. These upcoming months heighten the importance for you to develop a sufficient support plan for yourself as you work with, and demonstrate care for, your clients.

For our Lilly Hall staff and faculty, our usual Circle Time meetings on Tuesday, November 3 and Friday, November 6 are available, as always, to gather and share perspectives as we navigate the coming months.

Thank you everyone for all the ways that you show up every day. Please take care of yourselves and others and stay safe. I am wishing for all of us places of gentleness and care this winter and always. You are what make ours a wonderful community with all our complexity


Marianne RM Yoshioka, LCSW, MBA, Ph.D. 
Dean & Elizabeth Marting Treuhaft Professor 
Co-editor, Smith College Studies in Social Work 
Smith College School for Social Work