An Update About SSW's Faculty Search and Work

Hello everyone,

I am writing to give a brief update about our faculty search process and to share some other news.

Before I begin, I want to acknowledge the recent news about grand jury findings related to Breonna Taylor, who was shot by the police on March 13, 2020. This hard news carries real impact for so many of us. I am sending my thoughts and prayers to Ms. Taylor’s family and to all of you who are carrying the weight of this news.

I am writing to report that our full 2020-21 faculty search committee is now composed and ready to start meeting. A deep thank you to these members who have agreed to work hard to create a thoughtful search process in alignment with the five principles that will guide the work of the School moving forward. As I announced on June 29, 2020, the faculty and I understand that ensuring representation on our own faculty is critical to creating a school where Black, Indigenous and other POC voices and experiences are made more central. I anticipate that this will be the first of such searches with this goal.

The members of the 2020-21 faculty search committee:

  • Co-chair Ora Nakash, Ph.D., Faculty
  • Co-chair Nnamdi Pole, Ph.D., Faculty, Smith College ​
  • Jamie Daniels ’14, Ph.D. Student
  • Britt Goh ’21, M.S.W. Student
  • Tanya Greathouse, Ph.D. ’97, Adjunct Faculty
  • Laura Fugikawa, Ph.D., Adjunct Faculty
  • Marsha Pruett, Ph.D., Professor
  • Maria Torres, Ph.D., LMHC, Assistant Professor

My unwavering commitment to raise funds for M.S.W. and Ph.D. student scholarships not only continues but has deepened. Already this year we have received almost $500,000 in gifts and pledges to endowed scholarship funds that will strengthen the school by generating scholarship funds in perpetuity. I will continue to make this a top priority.

I also want to extend my thanks to the members of the Faculty Priorities Workgroup. I have asked this workgroup to identify the top actions we can implement that will bring the fundamental changes necessary to ensure SSW is an academic home where Black students, faculty, staff, other folks of color and/or those who hold marginalized identities may bring their full selves and thrive.

This Committee meets weekly, working with student/alum/adjunct demands, requests and asks for the purpose of identifying, shaping and recommending a course of action in deep alignment with our guiding principles.

The members include:

  • Rory Crath, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
  • Megan Harding, M.S.W., Senior Lecturer
  • Andrés Hoyos, M.S., LCSW, Adjunct Faculty
  • Josh Miller, Ph.D., Professor
  • Janae Peters, M.S.W. ’15, Interim Associate Director of Field, Sotomayor Fellow, Adjunct Faculty
  • Maria Torres, Ph.D., LMHC, Faculty
  • Keshia Williams, M.S.W. ’08, LCSW, Sotomayor Fellow, Adjunct Faculty

In the upcoming weeks, I will send additional information about this group's work. We will also be scheduling several Q&A opportunities over the year to provide information and give the chance for input and discussion.

As we enter the fall, I know the uncertainty and stress in our country is hard to hold. Despite everything we are a community here. It’s important to take care of ourselves- and each other. It's important to connect to our loved ones and community. It's important to reach out and be gentle with each other.

Thank you everyone for all that you do everyday.

All my best,

Marianne RM Yoshioka, M.S.W., MBA, Ph.D. 
Dean & Elizabeth Marting Treuhaft Professor 
Co-editor, Smith College Studies in Social Work 
Smith College School for Social Work