Delores Hendrix-Giles, LCSW-S, CGP

B.B.A., Texas Woman's University
M.S.W., University of Houston
Delores Hendrix-Giles is a licensed clinical social worker and University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work alumna with more than 20 years of professional practice experience. She is currently the training director for Social Work Service at the Michael E. DeBakey VAMC where she is responsible for the internship program, the clinical supervision program and oversight of the staff development and continuing education needs of over 270 social workers as well as a host of other administrative responsibilities. She is a faculty instructor at Baylor College of Medicine and the Advanced Clinical Supervision Certificate Program at Smith College.
Hendrix-Giles has presented locally and nationally for conferences, panel discussions and poster presentations. Over the years, she’s trained staff in social work ethics, motivational interviewing, social skills, communication skills, cultural diversity, clinical supervision and recovery-oriented mental health treatment and various topics related to the practice of social work. Her vigor for education and learning has led her to pursue a doctoral degree. She is currently a candidate for doctor of social work at Simmons University.
Hendrix-Giles’ private endeavors include clinical supervision and professional workshops including relationship enrichment, communication skills development and other emotional and behavioral enhancement trainings to facilitate improved well-being and relationships. She has been appointed chair of the National Social Work Graduate Education Committee for Veterans Affairs.