Resources for Practicum Supervisors

Important Dates

November 27-29, 2024Thanksgiving Break
December 16, 2024 - January 1, 2025Winter Vacation
January 20, 2025Martin Luther King Day (observed)
April 25, 2025Last day of internship

For a more detailed calendar, see SSW Calendars.

Internship Schedule

  • For second year students, the internship year officially begins September 3, 2024 through April 25, 2024.
  • All first year students are required to take a Internship Preparation Course on September 6 & 13th (virtually).
  • M.S.W. students are expected to be in the agency 30 hours a week, including breaks, across 4 weekdays. Specific schedules are determined by the clinical supervisor. Because so many students work part-time jobs in addition to their internships, we encourage agencies to consider 4-day internship schedules, if possible, to allow for students to work and/or complete other M.S.W. program requirements on their 5th day.
  • Students attend a required practicum learning seminar approximately one evening/month for 2 hours (10 sessions total). We ask that supervisors allow for this 2-hour monthly adjustment to their schedule if it happens to conflict with an evening that they are completing their internship hours.
  • Supervisors are asked to contact us to discuss any proposed changes to this schedule and to make sure that any calendar changes are discussed with your student(s) as soon as possible.

Assignment Due Dates

AssignmentDue Date
Learning PlanOctober 4, 2024
Interim Progress ReportOctober 7, 2024
Mid-Year EvaluationDecember 13, 2024
Final EvaluationApril 18, 2025

Sonia Internship Database

Sonia is the system by which you and your student(s) will complete the supervisor internship evaluations and student internship assignments. Supervisors will be issued a username and password by the Office of Practicum Learning in early September. Refer to the linked Clinical Supervisor guide to assist you during the internship year.