In-person Seminar
Instructor: Silvia Sandoval, M.S.W., Ph.D. '15
Level: Intermediate
CE/Contact Hours: 8.5
Target Audience: Social workers and other social service providers who are currently providing clinical supervision and have supervised for at least three years.
Course Delivery Method, Format and Instructor Interaction: Live in-person seminar
How can psychoanalytic theories help us “hold” the supervisory relationship? This course will provide participants with opportunities to advance their understanding of psychodynamic supervisory theories and practice. Course members will be encouraged to discuss their experiences as supervisors and to consider different dynamic approaches for supporting and facilitating supervisees’ professional development. A variety of foundational themes will be addressed. These topics include the learning/supervisory alliance, contributions from relational theories and concepts, and the magnificent ‘coloring’ (diversity: sameness and differences) of the supervisory space. Class participants will be encouraged to raise questions and suggest/prioritize issues for discussion.
Learning Objectives:
- Examine psychodynamic theoretical issues and practice dilemmas with class members with their experience in supervising students and consulting with colleagues.
- Assess own learning styles to further develop their personal and developmental approach to the supervisory process.
- Explain major ongoing controversies about the complexity of the supervisory relationship: e.g., the learning/supervisory alliance, the bi-directionality of the relational unconscious, defensive/coping mechanisms, enactments, repairs and ruptures, and the “teach or treat” controversy.
- Illustrate diversity, its various dimensions, when working with sameness and differences as they influence the supervisory relationship and process.
Session 1: Psychodynamic Sensibility
Class Outline Day 1: 1.75 hours with 10-minute break
- Setting the Frame
- “Learning/Supervisory alliance” in psychoanalytic supervision
- Racism in clinical practice
Session 2: Facilitating Psychodynamic Supervisory Capacities, Developmental Perspectives
Class Outline Day 2: 2 hours with 10-minute break
- Supervisee stages of development in supervisory learning
- Transition from clinician to supervisor
- Supervision styles
- Providing feedback
Session 3: Unconscious Dynamics
Class Outline Day 3: 2 hours with 10-minute break
Race- and Culture-Based Transference and Countertransference
Projective Identification
Parallel process and relational theory
Session 4: Working with Difference, Developmental Dimensions of Sameness and Differences Class Outline Day 4: 2 hours with 10-minute break
Dynamics of Race and Culture in Clinical Supervision
Resistance to the Discussion of Race and Culture in Supervision
Mentalization/Reflective Processes
Group supervision
Session 5: Termination and Other Matters: Telehealth, Feedback
Class Outline Day 5: 2 hours with 10-minute break
- Telehealth and Supervision
- Giving Feedback
- Termination
To receive a CE certificate, you must attend the entirety of the seminar. Partial credit will not be awarded to those who attend only a portion of the seminar. For live, in-person seminars, participants must sign in and out of the session and complete an evaluation. A link to the online evaluation will be emailed to participants within 24 hours of the conclusion of the course. It is attendee’s responsibility to contact their state licensing board/certification boards to determine eligibility to meet continuing education requirements.
How Will a CE Certificate Be Awarded?
Upon completing the evaluation for the in-person seminar, participants will be emailed their online certificate within 30 days of seminar completion. Participants should save and/or print the certificate upon receipt for their records. Receiving the CE certificate is contingent on completion of the evaluation and signing in and out of the seminar.