Application fee:
$40 (due with application materials)
Tuition is paid after you have been accepted.
- Option 1:
- Full Payment of $3,200 due by September 28
- Option 2:
- 1st payment of $1,600 due by September 28
- 2nd payment of $1,600 due by March 28
If you are interested in a payment plan, please contact the Office of Professional Education at
Refund Policy
The $40 application fee and $300 tuition deposit are nonrefundable. Because program decisions are based on class size, tuition refund deposits cannot be considered.
Smith College School for Social Work reserves the right to cancel any program which is undersubscribed. In the case of cancellation, all tuition fees paid will be reimbursed in full. The School also reserves the right to modify certificate content as appropriate.