Live Interactive Webinar
Instructor: Cathleen Morey, M.S.W., Ph.D., LICSW
Level: Intermediate
CE/Contact Hours: 2.5
Target Audience: Social workers and other social service providers who are thinking of becoming supervisors or recently have started providing supervision.
Course Delivery Method, Format and Instructor Interaction: Live interactive webinar with discussion and small group activities. Instructor will use chat and verbal discussions for Q and A as well as break out rooms. Attendees are visible to one another in Zoom meeting and are encouraged to be active participants with their camera and/or microphone in order take part in discussion. Login information will be emailed to all program participants in January at the start of the program.
System Requirements: Attendees will need access to a computer with working camera and microphone. All courses are offered using Zoom conferencing software.
The agency setting shapes the provision of clinical supervision. Organizational dynamics, well-being, and culture influence the supervisee’s practice and the delivery of supervision in complex and nuanced ways which require supervisors' awareness and examination. A structural assessment model will be outlined to help the supervisory dyad understand the organizational context and its effects on practice and supervision. We will consider contextual supervision challenges and explore ways to develop/enhance an organizational culture of supervision. We will also discuss frameworks for integrating race and culture into supervision.
Learning Objectives:
- Explain organizational theory, well-being, and culture
- Examine the impact of organizational context on the supervisory process
- Describe how a structural assessment of organizational context enhances supervision and delivery of care to clients
- Define frameworks for integrating race/culture into clinical education and supervision.
Part I: 1 - 2:15 p.m. ET
- Understanding organizational theory, well-being, and culture
- Impact of your organization’s context on the supervisory process
- Parallel processes of the supervisor and supervisee’s culture and the agency culture
- Using a structural assessment framework to understand your organization
Break: 2:15 - 2:25 p.m. ET
Part II: 2:25 - 3:45 p.m. ET
- Examining contextual supervisory challenges within your organization
- Organizational standards to promote optimal supervision
- Frameworks for integrating race/culture into supervision

Cathleen Morey, M.S.W., Ph.D., LICSW
In order to be awarded the Foundations of Clinical Supervision Certificate, it is the expectation that students attend all scheduled sessions of the program.
However, Smith understands that emergencies or unexpected events may interfere with a student attending a particular session or a part of a session. Aside from CE credits, the policy of the SSW Certificate programs is that students who miss significant portions of a seminar or a full session will be required to complete a make-up assignment. Assignments will be devised by the course instructor/certificate director to cover both missed content and learning time. Students who miss more than two sessions of the program will not be awarded the Foundations of Clinical Supervision Certificate.
Smith certificate programs are comprised of a number of different courses often over a number of days. Many courses are standalone sessions but some courses may have two or three sessions. The total number of CE contact hours that a student may earn will be calculated based on the number of hours of fully attended courses. Partial credit may not be awarded to those who attend only a portion of a course. It is the attendees’ responsibility to contact their licensing board to determine eligibility to meet continuing education requirements. Please see individual course pages for the CE completion requirements and how the certificate is awarded.
Upon completing the evaluation for the in-person seminar, participants will be emailed their online certificate within 30 days of seminar completion. Participants should save and/or print the certificate upon receipt for their records. Receiving the CE certificate is contingent on completion of the evaluation and signing in and out of the seminar.