Planning an Event

Reservable Spaces on Campus using 25Live
  • Classroom Space 
  • King and Scales (meals can be eaten in the spaces)
  • Lilly Hall Conference Rooms (meals can be eaten in the spaces)

How to reserve a space in 25Live

  1. Access 25Live
  2. ​Log in using your Smith username and password
  3. Space request instructions [Under "25Live Pro Resources"  and then "Requesting a Space in 25Live Pro"]

Important Reminders about 25Live for SSW
(please read very carefully)

  • Use Chrome or Firefox to access 25Live (do not use Internet Explorer)
  • FOR STUDENTS:​​ When creating your event, enter title "SSW...", then select “SSW - SSW Student” as the organization.
  • FOR STAFF and FACULTY: When creating your event, enter title "SSW...", then select “School for Social Work” as the organization.
  • If you need to change the date, time, or location in your space reservation once it has already been confirmed, you should contact the scheduler in Events Management by replying to your email confirmation. Once your space reservation has been confirmed via email from the Events Management Office, you will no longer be able to change the “type.” 
  • For technical assistance at your event, choose the resource labeled “Technician Help Start.”
  • Please note that some spaces on campus are restricted and unavailable for use during the summer.

Additional reservable spaces (not in 25Live)

Accessibility at Events
Other Event Information

Publicizing your Event

To have your event publicized in the newsletter for sharing info and events for the SSW community, send your event information to Please do not submit until you have received your event confirmation email from the Events Management Office.

Technical Support

For information about classroom spaces, such as maximum capacity and technical capabilities, go to Classroom Spaces. For [Classroom] tech support, please contact Please include the 25Live event ID in the email subject line.

Food at Events

  • SSW community members may hire their choice of outside caterer or bring in food for events held in on-campus venues/spaces, with the exception of the Conference Center, the Alumnae House, and the Campus Center. 
  • For events held at the Conference Center, members of the SSW community can use any outside caterer as long as the caterer is insured.
  • For events held at the Campus Center, you must request food through the Smith College catering department. If the catering department cannot fulfill a specific request, they will then give permission to the event organizer(s) to work with another vendor. 
  • For the Smith College catering department's policies, menus, and costs, visit Dining Services’ Catering page.

Additionally, the Smith College Events Management Office has created this helpful Event Planning Forms & Resources webpage which includes event planning forms and resources that may be useful when planning your meetings/events/etc.

Space Reservation Policies

Space Reservation Policies

  • All requests for spaces must be submitted via 25Live.​
  • ​You will receive a space confirmation within 2 business days. Please note: a reservation is not guaranteed and will not be complete until a confirmation is sent. ALL services (specific equipment, set-ups, staffing, etc.) must be requested 2 weeks before the event.
  • Do not leave Smith College AV equipment or supplies unattended.
  • Food is NOT allowed in classrooms.  If you plan to have food at your event, please reserve a space other than a classroom.
  • Those who use the space are responsible for leaving the room clean and neat.
  • Important note regarding King and Scales rooms: Be sure to leave any spaces you use neat and clean. When meetings take place in these meeting rooms, please pick up your meal in the dining room and carry it to your meeting place. When you are done, return all dishes to the designated area in the dining room BEFORE the kitchen closes so that staff can get them washed.
Campus Policies on Events
  • All arrangements for supplies, food and services are the responsibility of the students organizing the event.
  • Students must reserve campus space through 25Live and adhere to the rules and regulations pertaining to the particular site.
  • Students must abide by the College’s Social Events Accessibility Policy. Students should consult the Event Accessibilities Guidelines [PDF] for detailed considerations.
  • Students or student organizations will be held responsible for any damage incurred.
  • Per campus policy, all parties and other events must end by 1:00 a.m.

Alcohol Policy

  • Various statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and regulations of the Alcohol Beverage Control Commission govern the sale, acquisition, possession, transportation and consumption of alcoholic beverages. The following is a summary of College policies regarding the serving of alcohol at parties:
  • No alcohol will be served to any person under 21 years of age.
  • No alcohol may be brought into a licensed facility (Campus Center, Smith College Club) or to any College-sponsored party.
  • All party participants must bring a valid picture I.D. to sponsored parties (driver’s license with picture, birth certificate, passport). I.D.'s will be checked and persons will be wrist-banded.
  • The Dining Services staff is the only staff on campus that can arrange for alcohol to be served at parties on campus and coordinate the sale of alcohol at desired events.
  • A public safety officer must be on duty at all student-operated events where alcohol is served. Students hosting the event are responsible for hiring and compensating the safety officer.
  • Alcohol may only be served during legal hours to persons of legal age who are not intoxicated. The College reserves the right to control service at any party. Please remember that in Massachusetts it is a criminal offense for anyone to serve alcohol to a person under 21, and that the punishment of this crime can be up to a year in jail and a $2000 fine. This law covers both public and private events, including dinner parties, department events, receptions and even the serving of alcohol to students in a private home.
Political and Campaign Activities Policy

Smith College is a charitable entity subject to federal, state, and local laws and regulations regarding political and campaign activities. While all members of the College community are free to express political opinions and engage in political activities, it is important that they do so only in their individual capacities and avoid even the appearance that they are speaking or acting for the College in political matters.

Notwithstanding the above, Smith does not seek to inhibit the expression of personal political views by any individual in the College community. Faculty, students and staff may support candidates for office or in furtherance of political causes. There is no restriction on discussion of political issues or teaching of politics or campaign-related topics.

This policy statement addresses campaigns for political office and provides specific guidelines on activities related to campaigns. It also addresses how individuals can avoid having their personal opinions appear to be those of the College as an entity. The following statements provide the foundation for the more specific guidelines:

  • Individuals taking political positions for themselves or groups with which they are associated, but not as representatives of the College, should clearly indicate, by words and actions, that their positions are not those of the College and are not being taken in an official capacity on behalf of the College. 
  • During election campaigns, the College, or groups affiliated with the College, may use auditoriums or other facilities for public forums provided that all legally qualified candidates for a public office, or for the nomination of a particular party, are invited and given equal access and opportunity to speak. 
  • The College is legally prohibited from endorsing candidates for political office or making any contribution of money, goods or services to candidates. Therefore, it is important that no person intentionally or unintentionally cause the College to make such an endorsement or contribution.

Title VI and Smith SSW Events

At the School for Social Work, as in the College as a whole, educational programs and activities are those events that are hosted by or affiliated with the School for Social Work. In accordance with College policy and federal and state laws, School for Social Work events must welcome all individuals regardless of their inclusion or perceived inclusion in any protected class, including race, color, or national origin.

For any event that is offered by SSW: All faculty, students, staff are welcome to attend. We can and should be clear who, if anyone, is being honored/centered at the event but cannot exclude people from coming

Student clubs may limit their social and professional meetings and events to their members and/or folks who are member eligible.