Registration Information

M.S.W. Registration Information

Summer M.S.W. Registration

Registration for M.S.W. summer courses happens in three phases. During Advanced Registration students will have the opportunity to fill their schedules with courses needed to graduate (3rd years) or stay on track for graduation (2nd years). Following this first phase, students will have access to make schedule adjustments during the Registration day. The final registration phase is the period of Add/Drop. During Add/Drop – just prior to the term beginning through the first Saturday (at noon) of classes – students can make final schedule adjustments.

2025 Summer M.S.W. Registration Dates

Advanced M.S.W. Registration

  • Third Year Students: Sunday, February 23, 12:00 p.m. EST - Tuesday, February 25, 11:59 p.m. EST
  • Second Year Students: Sunday, March 2, 12:00 p.m. EST - Tuesday, March 4, 11:59 p.m. EST

M.S.W. Registration

All Returning Students: Wednesday, March 5, 12:00 p.m. EST - Tuesday, March 11, 11:59 p.m. EST


Friday, May 23, 12:00 9.m. EDT - Saturday, June 8, 11:59 p.m. EDT

Summer Term 2 Only: Friday, July 11, 12:00 p.m. EDT - Saturday, July 19, 11:59 p.m. EDT

What Classes Do I Need?

Students can review their outstanding degree requirements in the Academic Progress Report in Workday. Below is the overview of required courses each class year is expected to take.

2025 Course Offerings are available in Workday starting February 10, 2025.

First Year M.S.W. – During your first summer you will take 10 required courses. You will be registered for your courses by the SSW Registrar’s Office.

Second Year M.S.W. – Over the course of the two summer terms you will have 7 required courses and will choose 1 elective. Students that took an elective during the 2024-2025 Winter term will have already fulfilled their second year elective, and will only register for 3 courses in Term 2.

Final Summer, M.S.W. Class of 2025 – In your last summer you will take all elective courses, as many as 8 electives (depending on your curricular contract). Students that took an elective during the 2024-2025 Winter term will have already fulfilled one of their electives, and will only register for 3 courses in Term 2.

Registration & Degree Planning

In order to successfully register, prior to your registration window you should:

Winter (Internship) M.S.W. Registration

Students register for an M.S.W. internship and practicum seminar during their first and second winter term. First year students will begin the internship with the Entering the Internship: When, Where, and How (SOCW 510). Students in the second year internship will also register for the Community Project Anti-Racism Experience (CBARE - SOCW 682). 

2025-2026 Winter (Internship) M.S.W. Registration Dates

First-year students: Opens Monday, July 7 at 12 p.m. ET
Second-year and Advanced Standing students: Opens Monday July 7 at 1 p.m. ET
Registration Ends (All Students): Thursday, July 10  at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time

M.S.W. Registration Tips

  1. Check your record for holds and take any necessary actions to clear existing holds
  2. First year students will register for SOCW 510, SOCW 580 and SOCW 581 in Workday.
  3. Second year students will register for SOCW 680, SOCW 681 and SOCW 682 in Workday
    1. Second year students are eligible to apply for a Research Practicum, if approved, the SSW Registrar's Office will complete the registration

Fall Electives

To provide greater access, a limited number of elective courses are offered in the fall. 

Since second-year students have traditionally been limited in their summer electives options because they can only register AFTER third-year students have registered, registration for fall electives begins with rising second-years (current first year) first.

Students are limited to one fall elective for the duration of their full program.

Students taking a fall elective will reduce their elective count by one during  the following Summer Term 2.

Research Practicum Application Process

Research Practicum Request Form

Faculty members will make available information about projects on which they can include student learners. 

Students should email directly with listed faculty members to begin the process.  This would consist of a simple introductory email that includes why the student is interested in that project and any relevant background information they wish to share with the faculty member.

 Students may apply more than one of the listed projects.

Faculty members will decide which students they wish to work with and will work with students to write up the plan for the research practicum project. The plan must include:  

  • a written project summary briefly describing the research practicum project and its opportunities for research learning. (The project must include at least 64 hours of research education work), 
  • three (or more) research learning goals for the research practicum (which must include a summary of the research methods to be used) and, 
  • the specific grading criteria to be used.  

The faculty advisor reads, reviews (and may suggest changes) and finally signs off on the research practicum proposal.

The faculty member signs off on the Research Practicum Form and project summary and submits both to the Research Sequence Chair by the end of Week 8 in the summer.  (The Research Sequence Chair must then sign off and return the approved and dually signed form to the Associate Dean and on to the SSW Registrar's Office for registration.)

Once the project is approved

The faculty member oversees progress on the research practicum project, teaching and advising as indicated. Attention to addressing the defined learning goals is central and ongoing. In person and/or telephone/virtual meetings, review of written documents and brief clarifying contacts are expected.

The Research Sequence Chair will check in by email with students and advisors in November of each year.

At the end of the research practicum project, the student submits to the faculty member a written summary documenting at least 64 hours of educational work on the project, documenting learning on the defined specialization research objectives and briefly summarizing the student’s overall learning in the research practicum.

Students may drop research practica following the deadlines as stated in the M.S.W. Handbook. Students may not originate new practica after the summer session deadlines.

Faculty advisors are expected to contact the Chair if students do not make expected progress or do not meet agreed upon timelines for the project.

As with other courses, problems are resolved through the School's usual process. Students with concerns not resolved directly with the instructor should contact the Chair to problem solve.

The faculty member serving as the research practicum advisor reviews and grades the student’s final report. This faculty member completes a grade sheet sent to SSW Registrar's Office.

The student must complete a course evaluation for this work, as with all other courses.

M.S.W. Degree Planning Tools

It is recommended that you review the degree requirements before and during your registration planning. The links below will provide charts you can use to plan how and when you will meet the requirements.

Course Waiver and Transfer Credit

As defined in M.S.W. Handbook section 500.6 and 500.7, students may request the review of prior work for transfer credit or waiver of required courses at the time of admission.

The deadline to submit your request is April 1st or two weeks after accepting admission (whichever is later).

After receiving the completed request with course syllabi, the appropriate sequence chair, in consultation with the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, will make the decision with regard to the waiver or transfer credit.

Waivers vs. Transfer Work

Course Waivers: Courses may be waived if students can demonstrate that they have mastered the course content prior to enrollment through other college level coursework with a grade of B or better. No credit is awarded for waived courses; credits must be made up by taking electives. Waivers can be requested only for required generalist courses (typically first year, all available courses are listed on the Request for Course Wavier or Transfer Credit form).

Transfer Credit: Up to 12 transfer credits may be awarded for courses completed with a grade of B or above from a CSWE accredited graduate school of social work. No transfer credit will be awarded for courses taken at the undergraduate level or or in graduate schools outside of social work.

Process to Request Waiver or Transfer

  1. Complete the Request for Course Waiver or Transfer Credit form
  2. Submit the form along with all syllabi for the course(s) taken to the SSW Registrar's Office by April 1 of your year of admission. 
  3. After your form is reviewed by the appropriate faculty member, the SSW Registrar's Office will notify you of the decision, and where appropriate, next steps.