This is a Contract between the Smith College School for Social Work ("the College") and a student/faculty member who is assigned to live in a housing unit in one of the College residential buildings during the 2025 School for Social Work summer academic session (the "Guest"). It sets forth the rights and responsibilities of the College and the Guest.
- Occupancy License. The Guest has a license, only, to occupy the assigned housing unit during those times established in this Housing Contract. The Guest cannot transfer or assign any rights under this License to any other person, nor permit anyone else other than the Guest to occupy the Unit.
- This Contract is for the 2025 School for Social Work summer academic session only. The Guest must move in and vacate in accordance with the College housing policies.
- The housing unit may be occupied only after assignment by the SSW Housing Office. All exchanges, transfers and vacating of a housing unit must be approved by that Office. The Smith College School for Social Work may pursue disciplinary action for unauthorized moves or for failure to follow proper check in and out procedures.
- Housing and Food Plan: The Housing and Food Plan payment (except for units in the Friedman Complex) includes the Guest's assigned Unit and twenty-one (21) meals per week for the duration of the school's summer academic session (including term break week). The Housing and Food Plan fee will be charged to the Guest's account at the College before the start of the summer academic semester. The College shall furnish all required heat, hot water, fuel oil and utilities to the Unit. The College shall offer as a courtesy to the Guest internet access at no extra cost. Please refer to the published housing policy in the M.S.W. or Ph.D. Guest handbook for restrictions on and conditions for refunds.
- Alterations and Installations: The Guest is permitted to arrange furniture in the Unit as the Guest wishes. However, at no time shall the Guest paint, decorate, make holes in, or attach things to any of the floors, walls, ceilings, doors or equipment in the Unit or elsewhere in the building. No air-conditioning unit, space heater, appliance, antenna or similar type of equipment can be installed or operated without the College's express written permission. Use of a waterbed in the Unit is prohibited.
- The College reserves the right:
- To enter the Unit to inspect it for health and fire safety, to make repairs (either in an emergency or at the Guest's request), to show it to a prospective occupant, or otherwise as provided by law
- To levy and collect charges for damage to the Unit other than that caused by reasonable wear and tear, for unauthorized use or alteration of the Unit or the building in which it is located
- To initiate and pursue disciplinary action against the Guest for any violation under this License
- To limit the amount of time the Guest's guest(s) may visit the Unit
- To pursue its rights against the Guest in the appropriate court of law if the Guest fails to comply with this License.
- The Guest is responsible for:
- Knowledge of and adherence to published College and residential policies and regulations, as well as policies the College may specify for the safety, care, cleanliness, and preservation of good order in College facilities;
- Policy violations or damages caused by the Guest and by any guests of the Guest;
- Security of all keys and/or access cards issued by the College;
- Compliance with Guest and staff requests to maintain noise levels appropriate for the primary activity (sleeping, studying or other day-to-day activities) for each time of day;
- Keeping the Unit in a clean and sanitary condition, and for properly placing all garbage and rubbish in containers provided by the College.
- In addition to the rules and policies described above the Guest may not:
- Keep or use in the Unit halogen lamps, flammable liquids or flammable covers
- Use any decoration in the Unit or any College building which is not flame proof
- Obstruct, interfere with or otherwise block access to hallways and corridors at any time
- Use barbecue grills on ledges or fire escapes or in the Unit or any College building
- Enter upon or use roofs, ledges or fire escapes, except during emergencies
- Install loft beds or place cement blocks underneath beds or bookcases in the Unit
- Possess firearms, ammunition, explosives, weapons or dangerous chemicals in the Unit or on College property
- Keep any animals in the Unit. This prohibition does not apply to individuals accompanied by seeing-eye dogs or other trained, assisting animals. A Guest may request to have a service animal in College housing only by registering with the Accessibility Resource Center and providing the required documentation.
- Guests living on campus will be issued a room key. All Guests will be expected to use their OneCard for front door access to SSW dorms, including the SSW Dining Hall. Should keys be lost or stolen, the SSW Housing Office must be notified immediately. Should your OneCard be lost or broken, the Guest must contact the OneCard office directly. A $100 charge will be billed to your Guest account to cover the cost of the new key and core lock replacement. A $20 charge will be billed to your Guest account to cover the cost to replace the OneCard. Temporary access to dorms may be issued by Public Safety until replacement keys provided. Keys are the property of the College and are on loan to the Guest. Keys may not be duplicated, loaned or transferred. Failure to return the keys at the end of the term of this Contract or when the Guest changes housing units will result in a charge in accordance with published policies.
- The Smith College School for Social Work is not responsible for loss or damage to personal possessions of the Guest or their guest(s) on College property, including loss by fire, water or theft or any other causes. The Guest should exercise discretion and common sense in bringing valuables to the College. It is suggested that all such valuables be engraved for identification purposes. The Guest is encouraged to purchase appropriate insurance to cover such property losses.
- The housing unit must be vacated, checkout procedures completed, and all keys turned in to the SSW Housing Office by the end of the Contract. Failure to checkout properly and/or to return all keys may result in fines and/or charges. Any personal property (i.e., clothing, books, etc.) left in the rooms will be disposed of by Residential Housekeeping Services as per College policy.
- The Smith College School for Social Work may assess the Guest, a group residing on one floor, or residents of the house, expenses due to repair or replacement of any property damaged in public common areas, unless the individual or individuals responsible for the damage are identified.
- Possession of firearms, ammunition, explosives, weapons or dangerous chemicals is prohibited on College property, and in all College housing units. The possession of a firearm or dangerous weapon on College property is a criminal offense in Massachusetts.
- The Guest must vacate their housing unit after withdrawing, dropping out of classes or being dismissed from the Smith College School for Social Work, and will be responsible for housing charges until the unit is vacated. Authorization to stay beyond the withdrawal date will be determined by the College.
This Housing Contract, and the Guest's right to access or reside in the housing unit,
- Will be terminated on the last day of occupancy of the housing unit for the summer academic session, as established by published College policies;
- Will be terminated on the date that the Guest is no longer a resident student/faculty member in good standing at the Smith College School for Social Work, whether as the result of withdrawal, suspension, dismissal, disciplinary action, transfer or any other reason.